Contoh Direct dan Indirect Speech dalam Cerita

Direct and Indirect speech
Direct  speech adalah kalimat langsung atau kalimat yang dikutip dari perkataan seseorang tanpa merubah kata-kata dan selalu dibubuhkan tanda kutip pada kalimatnya. Kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip. Direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya, dengan mengutip persis perkataannya. Direct speech dilingkupi quotation marks (” “). Selain itu, attribution (asked, says, said, yelled, shouted, replied, ordered) sering juga menyertai direct speech.
Indirect speech adalah kalimat yang merupakan penyampaian apa yang diucapkan seseorang tetapi di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat perubahan kata-kata dan tidak mengubah maksud. Kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma. Pada Indirect speech, perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya.
Direct dan Indirect speech terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni pernyataan (statement), perintah (command), dan pertanyaan (question).

1.      Kalimat Pernyataan

Statement (Pernyataan) yang menggunakan “that”. Contoh :
Direct      :  He said, “we will climb a mountain next week”
Indirect    : He said that they would climb a mountain next week.

2.      Kalimat Perintah

Pada kalimat perintah, kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung terbagi menjadi kalimat perintah positif dan kalimat perintah negatif. Pada kalimat perintah perlu ditambahkan to di depan kalimatnya.
a.       Kalimat perintah positif :
Direct    :   She asked me, “read the novel”
Indirect  :   She asked me to read the novel.
b.      Kalimat perintah negative :
Direct    :  She told me, “don’t read the message”
Indirect  :  She told me not to read the message.

3.      Kalimat Pertanyaan

            Pada kalimat tanya, kata-kata tanya seperti where, when, why, what, who, how, dan lain-lain digunakan sebagai kata hubung.
Contoh :
Direct    :  That girl asked me, “where is your university??”
Indirect  :  That girl asked me where is my university.

Jika kalimat tanya membutuhkan jawaban yes or no, kata yang kita gunakan adalah if atau whether (jika, apakah).
Contoh :
1.      Direct     :  The lecturer asked me, “have you write your notes?”
             Indirect  :  The teacher asked me if i had written my notes.
2.      Direct      :  Mea asked me, “did you take my money last night?”
Indirect    :  Mea asked me whether I had taken her money last night.
3.      Direct       :  The man asked me :’’can you drive a car?”
Indirect    :   The man asked me if/whether I could drive a car.

Perubahan ADVERB OF TIME (keterangan waktu) :

Direct  :                                               Indirect :
Now                                        →        Then
Today                                      →        That day
Tonight                                    →        That night
This week                                →        That week
Yesterday                                →        The day before
The day before yesterday       →        Two days before
Last night                                →        The night before
Last week/year                        →        The previous week/year
A year ago                               →        A year before/The previous year
Three years ago                       →        Three years before
Tomorrow                               →        The next day/The following day
The day after tomorrow          →        In two day’s time/The following day
Next week/year                       →        The following week/year
On Sunday                              →        On Sunday
Here                                        →        There
This book                                →        The book
This                                         →        That
These                                       →        Those
Over there                               →        Over there

Perubahan-perubahan AUXILIARIES (KATA BANTU) :

Can      →        Could
May     →        Might
Might  →        Might
Must    →        Would have to (kegiatan yang akan datang)/had to (keharusan yang biasa)
1.  The boy said, “I must wash my cars next week”
     The boy said that he would have to wash his cars the following week.
     (anak  itu mengatakan bahwa dia harus memperbaiki dinding minggu berikutnya.)

2.   The girl said, ” I must drink the milk before jogging”
      The girl said that she had to drink the milk before jogging.
      (Gadis itu berkata bahwa dia harus minum susu sebelum jogging.

Beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan!
1.       Must
Dalam bentuk present. Must menjadi Had to. Contoh :
Direct    :  my sister told me, “You must sleep” She told me that.
Indirect  :  “sleep until 01.00 am” I had to sleep until 01.00. am.
Dalam bentuk future. Must menjadi would have to. Contoh :
Direct    : He told me,”you must come again next week”
Indirect  : He told me that I would have to come the following week.
Larangan atau hukuman. Must menjadi musn’t/wasn’t to
Direct     : My mom told me,”you musn’t listen to a music too loud”.
Indirect   : My mom told me that I musn’t listen to a music too loud.
2.      Kebenaran umum tidak mengalami perubahan tense
Contoh :
Direct     : My father told me,’’the sun rises in the east”
Indirect   : My father told me the sun rises in the east.
3.      Offers (menawarkan)
Contoh :
Direct      : “shall I bring you some juice?”
Indirect    : He offered to bring me some juice.
4.      Let’s (mari/mengajak)
Let’s biasanya menyatakan suatu ajakan dan kemudian menjadi suatu saran dalam indirect speech. Contoh :
Direct        : Mea  said,”let’s leave the movie at the cinema”
Indirect     : Mea suggested leaving the movie at the cinema.
5.      Exclamation (seruan)
Exclamations(seruan,heran,kagum,dsb). Harus menjadi suatu pernyataan dalam indirect speech. Contoh:
Direct     : Justin said,”what a cute doll she has!”
Indirect   : Justin said that she had a cute doll.

1.      Direct Speech (Statement) : John said to Jane, "we will go ride by motorcycle today."
2.      Direct Speech (Question)   : Jane asked John, "where are we going?".
3.      Direct Speech (Statement)  :  John replied, "we'll go to my uncle's house".
4.      Direct Speech (Statement)  :  Uncle said "I miss you."
5.      Direct Speech (Question)   :  Uncle asked "Whom do you invite?"
6.      Direct Speech (Statement)  :  I replied, "I invite my friend."
7.      Direct Speech (Question)   :  My uncle asked, "what is your name?".
8.      Direct Speech (Question)   :  My friend replied "my name is Jane."

Direct and Indirect

1.      Indonesian :
            Kemarin John mengajak Jane pergi. John berkata pada Jane, “hari ini kita akan pergi naik sepeda motor.” Lalu Jane bertanya pada John, “kemana kita akan pergi?”. John menjawab,” kita akan pergi ke rumah pamanku”. Ketika kami tiba, pamanku sedang menjemur baju. Saat kami bertemu, paman mengatakan “aku rindu padamu.” Lalu paman bertanya “kamu mengajak siapa?” Saya menjawab “saya mengajak temanku.” Kemudian paman bertanya pada temanku, “siapa namamu?”. Temanku menjawab “namaku Jane”.

2.      English :
John invited Jane to go yesterday. John said to Jane, "we will go ride by motorcycle today." Then Jane asked John, "where are we going?". John replied, "we'll go to my uncle's house". When we arrived, my uncle was drying clothes. When we met, uncle said "I miss you." Then uncle asked "Whom do you invite?" I replied, "I invite my friend." Then my uncle asked, "what is your name?". My friend replied "my name is Jane."

John invited Jane to go yesterday. John said to Jane, "We will go ride by motorcycle today." Then Jane asked John, "Where are we going?". John replied, "We'll go to my uncle's house". When we arrived, my uncle was drying clothes. When we met, uncle said "I miss you." Then uncle asked "Whom do you invite?" I replied, "I invite my friend." Then my uncle asked, "What is your name?". My friend replied "My name is Jane.

3.      Indirect Speech :
John invited Jane to go yesterday. John said to Jane that They would go ride by motorcycle that day. Then Jane asked to John Where They went that day. John replied that They would go to his uncle’s house. When They arrived, John’s uncle was drying clothes. When They met, John’s uncle said that He missed John.  Then John’s uncle asked that Who has been John invited.  John replied that He invited his friend. Then John’s uncle asked Who’s John’s friend name. John’s friend replied her name is Jane.


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